I  love feed back on my knives, so if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to pass them along.  If you have any photos of you and the knife you purchased send them along also... especially field photos.  Thanks

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Wilhelm  Knives is about me “Wayne Wilhelm - Custom Knife Maker”. I have no desire to become a large commercial operation. I just want to make beautiful heirloom quality knives, one blade at a time, for people who will appreciate the effort and craftsmanship it takes to produce a custom knife.

 I’m an avid outdoors man and have been all my life.  Knives have always been an important part of my  outdoor kit, as such I am well versed in what the outdoors man requires in a cutting tool..

        My Everyday Carry Knife          The overall length is 7 1/2“ with a 3 1/2” blade, brass bolsters and a handle made from Buckeye burl.

 (I wont sell you this one,but I will make you a new one)

About Wilhelm Knives

I find it very pleasing to hold in my hand a knife I made, to feel the weight of it, to look at the lines and the flow of the blade as it leaves the handle. The finished product that started out as a concept that came out of my pencil onto paper as I begin to design it. I can’t say how many times I’ve said to my self “I love this knife, this one’s going to be mine”. Then the drawing board calls and I’m on to the next one. I guess it’s true… it takes one to forget one.

                How I started making knives:

Making knives is a passion for me second only to my love for the outdoors. I made my first knife in 1974 out of necessity. I was going on a week long backpack trip into the Trinity Alps in Northern California, to scout an area I planed to hunt in the upcoming deer season and didn't have a good knife.

I was working in a lumber mill at the time, and with the help of  the head mill wright, I made a nice little knife out of a piece of steel cut out of an old “Head-Rig” saw blade we found in the scrap pile.

Having found a source of steel in the old saw blades from the mill, old chain saw bars, from local loggers and the chain saw repair shop in town, over the years that followed, I made dozens of knives, mostly for friends and friends of friends. Hunters and the blackpowder (Rendezvous) people I shot with, became my best customers.

I now work part time out of my little knife shop at home, doing something I love... makeing custom knives for people who appreceate my craft.

My First Knife

The overall length is 10“ with a 5 1/4 “ blade, brass bolster and a handle that was made from a discarded scoop shovels handle.

In an attempt for this website not to be to commercial looking, I will try to make it a bit more personal..


My Story

My Life

“Even when the world is at piece, a gentleman always keeps a blade at his side”

- The Strategies of Wu -

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