I  love feed back on my knives, so if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to pass them along.  If you have any photos of you and the knife you purchased send them along also... especially field photos.  Thanks

Home About Wayne Knife Sharpining Products Contact Us

                                                                 Knife Sharpening

“A lazy man carries a dull knife”

-Author Unknown-


If you have knives that need sharpening, and you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself, I may be able help. Depending on my schedule, I can, come to you, or you can come to me.and. I also do mail in and out service for folks out of town, or just don’t have the time to meet my schedule.


- I charge .85 cents per inch of cutting surface.

- I have a $25.00 minimum charge

- I charge $40.00 per hour to do repairs, plus cost of materials    necessary to do repair. Some knives can be so bad, I will need    to restructure the cutting edge before they can be sharpened    properly. Typically, a resurfacing takes about 10 to 20 minuets    to archive, and costs on average $10.00 plus the .85 cents per    inch.

- I will charge a fee for Postage

 Note: If a knife is damaged wile in my care, I will replace it with            a new one, up to the value of $100.00. I have never had to            replace a customers knife before, but should that occur, I            will.


Learning to sharpen and hone your own knives is actually quite simple. When I do an in home sharpening, I can teach you by example, what you need to know to keep your knives in great working order.

For more information give me a call at (951)533-3313