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It’s all about the steel

Pros and Cons of Carbon Steel Vs Stainless Steel

Carbon Steel                                 Stainless Steel

Pros:                                               Pros:

*Holds an edge Longer                   *Highly corrosion resistant

*Easier & faster to sharpen            *Less maintenance required

*Stronger Material                          *More flexible

Cons:                                               Cons:

*Rusts easier                                   *Loses it’s edge faster

*Less flexible                                  *Harder to re-sharpen

Heat Treating and Tempering the Steel

The purpose of heat treating is to bring steel to a hardened state. The correct hardness depends on the application of the steel being treated. Knives need to be hard enough to hold an sharp edge through continuous mechanical abrasion, yet be soft (flexible) enough to stand up to forceful use without breaking. (To be continued)

“Any one who tells you that size doesn’t matter  Has seen too many small knives”

New Article: Coming Soon